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The Curious Case of Movies in December

December 31, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

Checking in before the New Year.

Israel is still attacking. They’ve sent in air and are amassing ground troops at the border. 394 total are dead, including 63 civilians.

Ugh. Moving on.


Apparently, a bunch of Zunes are simultaneously dying around the country. Whether this is due to some sort of internal clock malfunction or the awakening of Microsoft’s Global Domination AI is yet to be seen.



Last night I saw the Curious Case of Benjamin Button with my friends, codenamed Bullseye, Benefactor, and Snot Season. (I’m not really attempting to protect anyone’s identity. I just think codenames are cool.)

The movie came highly recommended and it was the only movie in theaters seemingly worth watching. Valkyrie had Tom Cruise in it, Bedtime Stories had Adam Sandler, and The Day the Earth Stood Still had Keanu Reeves AND Will Smith’s kid, who, combined, quelled my desire to see Jennifer Connelly.

*sigh* Jennifer….

Anyway, it and Doubt are the only well reviewed movies on Rotten Tomatoes, so it seemed like a safe bet.

I thoroughly enjoyed the trailers and I basically want to see every movie. Click on each poster to see a trailer.

Don't let them fool you. It's actually Iron Man 2.

Don't let them fool you. It's actually Iron Man 2.

It's...it's Katherine Heigl and Gerard. This is hotness....THIS. IS. THE TRUTH!!!

It's...it's Katherine Heigl and Gerard. This is hotness....THIS. IS. THE TRUTH!!!

Shout out to my Neil Gaiman reading group.

Shout out to my Neil Gaiman reading group.

Not that I'm a huge Titanic fan, but I liked the message of breaking free from suburbia.

Not that I'm a huge Titanic fan, but I liked the message of breaking free from suburbia.

This did not play, but I needed another image for formatting purposes and this looks awesome.

This did not play, but I needed another image for formatting purposes and this looks awesome.

But anyway, Benjamin Button was quite good. They had a lot of attention to detail and Brad Pitt did a really good job acting his ages. It’s from the same guy who penned the Forrest Gump screenplay and it shows, since you’re following a life throughout several decades with the same sort of montage/vignette approach, the difference being that Button is actually changing in age whereas Forrest was 30 in high school. It’s also the director of Fight Club, but any hint of Tyler Durden would probably occur during those stretches of time that the movie glosses over in an attempt to get to the interesting part: How the hell does someone act as he’s regressing into infancy?

The pacing could have been better and a lot could have been cut, but it’s probably one of the best movies of the season and it’s stunning, technically speaking. You get a WWII shoot out on a boat, motorcycles, Cate Blanchett in her prime…all very well done. In an attempt to vary up the story and provide a narrative push to the story, there’s flash forwards to New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, but they’re mostly unnecessary.

The theme that struck a chord with me was Button’s idea that it’s never too late (or in his case too early) to do be who you want to be or, if you’re dissatisfied with who you are, to start over completely. The scenes that struck a chord with me and Bullseye were the ones where a guy gets struck by lightning seven times, for no particular good reason.

So final verdict…Good. But long. And not quite Forrest Gump level of impact.

And that’s a condensed movie review for the final day of 2008.

  1. Logan V
    December 31, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    To be fair I saw The Day The Earth Stood Still and Keanu played a pretty good alien/human/despot. The film however actually had a message, in that if the people of the Earth do not take care of their planet it will be taken from them. I won’t get into the details but basically the aliens want to rid the Earth of humans because Earth is on of the few places in the universe able to sustain life and the human race is not an important enough species to risk destroying such a precious place. However the aliens(Keanu) learn that humans can be compassionate and when facing the brink can overcome obstacles. Plus the special effects and imagination was pretty cool as well.

  2. January 1, 2009 at 7:00 pm

    Nice review. I thought the scene where Ben button says “some people sit by rivers, some people get hit by lightning, some people dance…” summed the whole thing up pretty well.

    It made me want to finish reading that collection of F. Scott Fitzgerald short stories I had earlier in the semester.

  3. Sketch (codename Sketch)
    January 1, 2009 at 7:54 pm

    Y2K9 (that Zune shit) is the most laff-inducing news story I’ve ever read, mostly because everything that didn’t happen on Y2K suddenly happened yesterday… except that because of its ‘target’ it was completely irrelevant.


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