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The Best 4th of July YouTube Videos

Wow, the blog kind of collapsed this week, didn’t it? Well, PtP faithful, you can be content in knowing that I passed my final and got an A in comparative government, a class which pretty much tanked my GPA in 2007 and contributed to my uphill battle with academics in college. Now that I’ve proved to a certain professor that an introductory level course doesn’t require graduate level analysis in order to learn something, I can set my sights on the future with more clarity.

And hey, it’s Independence Day.

There’s many ways I could celebrate Independence Day on this blog. I could join the media ranks in commentating on Sarah Palin’s resignation and what this means for America. Or, I could actually talk about something important and pay more attention to North Korea’s missile testing. Perhaps looking into some humanitarian crises abroad. Unfortunately, my ancestral home of Colombia is currently mired in a cash-for-non-guerilla-corpses scandal. We could talk about the integrity of journalism, now that the Washington Post has attempted to sell access to the President, legislators, etc. in order to save its declining newspaper industry.

Unfortunately for anyone seeking substance, my mind is definitely on holiday. So, instead, I will bring you the best videos to watch on Independence Day. Some you may find appropriately reverent. Some not.

We will, hopefully, return to our regular scheduled media watching and issue discussion by next week.

Happy Fourth.

Because we all could use a geography refresher.

Because Latinos ARE America.

Combining two of the most American things: Captain American and jingoism.

Hey, don’t be upset. I never made a blog post for Canada Day.

In honor of the U.S.A. soccer team’s good show at the FIFA confederation cup, Landon Donovan: a true American hero.

Also American as Apple Pie: Top Gear.

That’s all I have for right now. Heading to Salem and Roanoke to celebrate the 4th with Fox (formerly Pocahontas).

Happy Independence Day!

  1. Shawn
    July 6, 2009 at 12:40 pm


    Bottle rockets FTL 😦


  2. July 6, 2009 at 2:50 pm

    Ah. Classic.

    And that guy’s not alone, apparently. A video a friend of mine linked on Twitter:


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