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5 Things to Learn from Joseph Stack [News commentary]

February 21, 2010 Leave a comment

I’m hesitant to write my whole opinion on Joseph Stack. Mainly, because it’s probably offensive without enough basis to justify it. It’s pretty tempting to gloat to tax-hating conservatives about a white domestic terrorist. That said, in the aftermath of the plane crash, it has become apparent that there was a lot going on with Stack that wasn’t strictly partisan. But it seems strange to not mention this pretty major news story on a blog that moonlights as a news supplement, so…

Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts.

Subject: Joseph Stack
Full name: Andrew Joseph Stack III
53-year-old domestic terrorist who flew a light aircraft (Piper Cherokee) into Building I of the Echelon office complex in Austin, Texas on February 18, 2010
The building housed an IRS office and other state and federal offices
Stack had posted a “tortured manifesto” on his business website detailing his personal history and anger at the IRS, government, organized religion, and corporatism
One other person was killed in the suicide attack — Vern Hunter, an IRS manager and Vietnam veteran. Thirteen other people were injured.

Stack was a software engineer and musician. He played bass for the amateur country band, the Billy Eli Band.
Stack was divorced and remarried. He had one stepdaughter. Before crashing the plane, Stack allegedly set fire to his Austin, Texas house.
Stack had a history of conflict with the IRS – allegedly losing out on $45,000 and 10 years of his life in failed attempts to find tax loopholes and contest tax code, according to his final statement. He was apparently audited twice.

Texas Suicide Flyer Had Real Populist Grievances” – AlterNet
“Suicide flier described as “offbeat,” “brilliant” – Houston Chronicle
2010 Austin plane crash – Wikipedia
Amped Out album by the Bill Eli Band – LaLa
Joseph Stack’s final manifesto

So his whole story is kind of fascinating in that awful tragic kind of way. I’ll make very brief statements about Stack to avoid devolving into some leftist loon who uses this to decry the Tea Party hate-provoking (I’m sure I can find fodder for that later).

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