
Posts Tagged ‘economics’

In Which Phil Doesn’t Upload a Resume

May 8, 2015 Leave a comment

Okay, Phil. This isn’t hard. Just log in to the job board. Enter the keywords. Pick a job that sounds marginally better than yours. Upload the resume. Write a cover letter.

That’s exhausting.

Yeah…yeah, it is.

I take another sip of my Bollo’s cappuccino. It’s extremely bitter.

You know what sounds like more fun?


And then I start to get an idea.


The unemployment rate in the United States, as of today, is at 5.4 percent, what the Washington Post calls “a seven-year low.” It’s the latest in a series of mostly-positive jobs reports, leading to a lot of my liberal friends smugly quipping on social media.

Or did I imagine that? I dunno, sometimes I think I am.

As Chico Harlan puts it in the Post, “In 13 of the last 14 months, the nation has added at least 200,000 jobs, a period of hiring unmatched in 15 years.” So why do I still feel like my stock hasn’t really gone up in the job market?

My skills aren’t exactly conventional and that may be part of the problem. Over the past two years, I’ve gotten really good at writing in bursts of less than 200 words and staying awake through the night. But it’s the latter which is taking the harshest toll on me.

I don’t feel like a positive news report. Surely there must be a more cynical view on things. I’ll search the news for “job satisfaction.”


The first article I find is “10 Keys to Job Satisfaction, Backed By Research.”

Well. If it’s backed by research, Time Dot Com. As long as it’s not backed by anecdotes, I guess?

The article is written by Eric Barker, who runs a blog called Barking Up the Wrong Tree. It’s full of these sort of technocratic lifehack style posts. Kind of like a how-to manual for turning yourself into a lean, mean, capital-producing machine.

Turning back to the article, I scan through and find a lot of things that reaffirm my own attitude, which is basically – jobs are typically something you have to do, as opposed to something you want to do. The closer you are to a job that you want to do, well…

Barker also writes the line “even prostitutes can be very happy with their work,” which makes me roll my eyes at the shaming.

But there’s one line that jumps out at me.

“Those with no job are happier than those with a lousy one.”

And that keeps rattling around in my brain.

“Those with no job are happier than those with a lousy one.”

And yet….

The Pill Goes to Class — Obama Gives the Finger to Lobbyists

January 21, 2009 Leave a comment

Obama has Epic First Day.

“As of today, lobbyists will be subject to stricter limits than under any … other administration in history,” Obama told reporters as he signed the new rules. The restrictions included a ban on gifts by lobbyists to anyone serving in the administration.

He also imposed a pay freeze for about 100 White House aides who earn $100,000 or more. Its implementation was unclear, since none of them was on the payroll before Tuesday’s noontime inauguration.

On Tuesday, within hours of Obama’s inauguration, his administration froze last-minute Bush administration regulations before they could take effect.

Among them was an Interior Department proposal to remove gray wolves from Endangered Species protections in much of the northern Rocky Mountains, and a Labor Department recommendation that would allow companies that manage employee retirement plans to market investment products to plan participants.

Well done, sir. Well done.

While I like the idea of Obama’s administration avoiding exorbitant self-reward, I wonder if the pay freeze will harm anyone who relies on that income. I hope Obama took family situations into consideration. Still, less kickbacks = better, in my book.

What do you all think? Are these, along with the plan to close Gitmo within the year, his foreign policy approach, and the economic stimulus, steps in the right direction? Or is he doing anything wrong?


Aaaand I’m back in the CT multimedia office after getting some story assignments in and tweaking the website. I’m sore as a Mother from my second gym attack this semester, but it’s that silly “good” pain that fitness afficiandos refer to and I suppose I’m a minute or so further from death, so…cheers.

Class Run Down

Judicial Process – I appreciate Hult’s straightforwardness and her thus-far observed penchant for dropping interesting case anecdotes in lecture. The reading isn’t a bear so far and occasionally informative. She stresses that it’s not necessarily a law school indicator class, but I’m excited and it may determine if I bother with that pesky LSAT. Person I know in this class: Gonzo.

Creative Writing – This time around I’ve got Lucinda Roy, a professor from London with four published books and a maternal attitude toward her students. I’ll be grateful for the chance to exercise some writing muscle and she’s just so darn sweet, it’s going to soften the blow of getting up before noon. Person I know in this class: Ilex.

Economics – Well, with David’s help, I registered my iClicker in time to use it for the basis questions. It looks really straightforward and is actually kind of evocative of Spotila’s Rock for Jocks class my freshman year, being in the same room and all. I forsee little difficulty. Person I know in this class: Bear Force One.

Philosophy of Religion – Awesome. At first I thought Olson might be a little too dry, but he has a pretty good streak of humor. The subject matter is fascinating and the reading looks really good, plus his attendance/grading policies seem fair. This coupled with a Bible Study I might be doing in MC will fill the whole “experimenting with God talk” thing I’m trying out. Person I know in this class: Lottie Moon.

Chinese 1106 – I’m back! After suffering miserably in intermediate Chinese and realizing that I had completely lost a grip on my elementary skills, I’ve been allowed to come back. It was refreshing to actually be able to look at a list of Chinese character phrases and, after some concentration and memory recall, understand them. It’ll still be my hardest class, but if I do Chinese sentence drills every. freakin’. day…I should be prepared for next semester this time. Person I (knew) in this class: Delta Delta Delta.

I’m also in two Honors reading groups. One focusing on gender issues and the other on healthcare.
Currently listening to: “Good Vibrations” – The Beach Boys
Watching tonight: LOST!!!
Thinking of reading: A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Shakespeare

Until next time…Sorry, Caroline, beware the peanut butter, and wish Akon a happy birthday everyday for the next year — it won’t make a difference.