
Posts Tagged ‘Google Wave’

TechnoBuzz: Google Wave and Bing

May 29, 2009 4 comments

Disclaimer: On a scale of retarded to Linux, I rank about a Justin Long, so my web savviness isn’t top notch. However, ever since jumping on the Twitter bandwagon, I acknowledge my helplessness in the face of web trendiness and that I will always be a couple of steps behind. Thus, I should start keeping an eye on Google Wave and Bing.

Google Wave is the latest step in Google’s attempts to take over the Internet. I think it’s basically a response to Twitter and claims that it was “revolutionizing the way people communicate online” (thanks, easily impressed, sadly near-sighted web media). So Google decided to actually revolutionize the way people communicate online.

I know Ive been on an irrelevant picture kick lately, but I think were going to have to get used to it.

I know I've been on an irrelevant picture kick lately, but I think we're going to have to get used to it.

From Google’s official Wave site:

What is a wave?

A wave is equal parts conversation and document. People can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.

A wave is shared. Any participant can reply anywhere in the message, edit the content and add participants at any point in the process. Then playback lets anyone rewind the wave to see who said what and when.

A wave is live. With live transmission as you type, participants on a wave can have faster conversations, see edits and interact with extensions in real-time.


Here at Google, we know you like INFORMATION OVERLOAD. So heres a BUTT-TON of it.

Here at Google, we know you like INFORMATION OVERLOAD. So here's a BUTT-TON of it.

You know those boring videos Gregory posts on Facebook? Now he can constantly send them your way! Also, find out what a Gregory history is. And meet guys named Ged!

You know those boring videos Gregory posts on Facebook? Now he can constantly send them your way! Also, find out what a Gregory history is. And meet guys named Ged!

Yeah, we know no one plays chess, but itd be bad PR to explicitly state that you can use the API for new forms of depraved pornographic interaction (psst, wanna know a secret? You can.).

Yeah, we know no one plays chess anymore, but it'd be bad PR to explicitly state that you can use the API for new forms of depraved pornographic interaction (psst, wanna know a secret? You can.).

So it’s sort of like having Microsoft Office, IM, e-mail, and social media all in one place?


Listen, I’m a fan of some integration. TweetDeck, for example, does a good job of getting all your Twitter stuff organized (since it desperately needed it) and involving Facebook. And I can see where an easier way to send documents and media without having to switch around IM and e-mail would be useful. But this idea of constantly seeing what the other person is working on and collaborating on boring shit like Docs? Mmm…

I’m not saying it won’t catch on, because, frankly, I never know what’ll catch on. I wasn’t big on Facebook when I first started and I didn’t get Twitter even during my first Tweets and now I’m a regular user of both. I just know that personally, my problem is that I have too much shit going on at the same time as it is. This just seems like it would exacerbate my procrastination and focus problems.

I’m sure Google will release a YouTube video that isn’t 80 minutes long and actually looks interesting.

Moving on to Bing, Microsoft has, perhaps correctly, deduced that they can encroach on a slice of Google’s limitless, but disorganized potential.

Heyyyyy, there, Internet. Were Microsoft. Yeah, yeah, the MSN guys. Lets talk.

Heyyyyy, there, Internet. We're Microsoft. Yeah, yeah, the MSN guys. Let's talk.

Frankly, Bing creeps me out. I don’t like the assumptions it makes about me. Take their welcome letter:

You probably didn’t wake up today expecting an entirely new search experience.

But – Bing! – here it is.

…While more searchable information is cool, nearly half of all searches don’t result in the answer that people are seeking.

At the same time, the way the world searches is changing. You want more than just information. You want knowledge that leads to action.

The truth is you’ve evolved. It’s time search caught up.

I’ve evolved? I thought that took a long time or something. Also, thanks for clarifying the meaning of your name. It’s cute. No, really, I’m not patronizing you, Bing. Okay, maybe a little.

Blogger #57841 to reference this pun.

Blogger #57841 to reference this pun.

I guess the idea is that Google represents the Wild Wild West. It’s endless. It’s untamed. It’s fun. And Microsoft wants to plop a Big F’in Railroad and give the Internet a corporate makeover. Don’t get me wrong, I see the convenience factor — it’d be nice to see where you can park when visiting a city. But, uh…does absolutely everything have to be handed to me on a silver platter?

I guess this is me being a generational elitist, but…I know how to find things I need on Google or databases, generally. Yeah, it might take more time without Bing’s algorithms or whatever, but sometimes I come across really interesting dribble. It gives my Google searches character. Bing…wants to turn my playground into a mall. Bing says I’m a teenager now. Less exploring, more consuming.

And if Bing succeeds, Google won’t have a choice but to imitate or perish.

Here’s their creepy video.

…It’s making my decisions? *shudder*

There are times when I think Google needs to back off, but today I say…Google…please come up with a response….What? What are you doing? Are you saying hello? You’re…you’re waving at me. Wave. Oh…


Currently listening to: 21st Century Breakdown by Green Day. Review post coming up.

Up next today: Foto Friday.