
Posts Tagged ‘meerkats’

Meerkat Mannerisms

August 20, 2009 1 comment

As life is still busy, I can’t take too much time to survey the political landscape and make the innagural podcast or Fact & Philos. So we’re going to ease back into the daily blogging thing and I will probably be talking about things that actually go on in my life for the first couple of weeks of school. So to everyone who doesn’t want to know about the mundane trials of a college upperclassmen….suck it?

Tonks and I are moved in to our new apartment. She provided some nice furniture and we have Chin Chin’s loveseat to sit on as well. My room is still a mess, but the addition of a bed from Prodigal is giving it a room-type feel. One of these days I should hang my clothes. I think I’ll be going into Christiansburg in search of a desk today.

Last night, after a day of helping returning MCers move into their dorm, someone had the brilliant plan of going to Cedar Point and gettng there as it opened. I was excited for my last chance to destress before the semester started…then when the voices of reason factored in cost, time, and sleep deprivation, the exhuastation of the day hit me. No one ended up going.

And that’s the boring version of how I almost went to Cedar Point on a whim.

Anyway, we’ll just do a small photo dump today. From the latest Cracked photoshop contest, the truth about textbooks in college:

Manolin the cat is very big right now, more than twice his kitten size. The next plan is to introduce him into African wildlife:

Speaking of Meerkats…

Okay, must get ready for Christiansburg. The blog will regain substance sometime after classes start.