
Posts Tagged ‘swine flu’

Sorcerer Mickey vs. Superman…no contest

August 31, 2009 Leave a comment

It smells like onions….that would be because the girl next to me in Wallace Hall is eating what appears to be a Pungent Onion salad.

Today on PtP:

– Corporate media buyouts
– Magnanimous Monday

Spider-Man, Meet Mickey Mouse

The geek community is gnashing its teeth following news that Disney is buying Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion.

Under the deal, which was announced Monday and is expected to close by the end of the year, Disney will acquire the rights to 5,000 Marvel characters. Many of them, including the Fantastic Four and the X-Men, were co-created by the comic book legend Stan Lee.

Disney CEO Robert Iger said Marvel’s comic books, TV shows, movies and video games amounted to “a treasure trove of content.” Iger said the deal would bring benefits like the ones Disney got from buying “Toy Story” creator Pixar Animation Studios Inc. for $7.4 billion in stock in 2006.

“The acquisition of Marvel offers us a similar opportunity to advance our strategy,” Iger said, and “to build a business that is stronger than the sum of its parts.”

For Marvel, Iger said being in the Disney camp would mean better global distribution and better relationships with retailers to sell its products. Another storied comic book maker, DC Comics, has been under the wings of a major studio since 1969, when Warner Bros. bought the home of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

Pooh: Is this going to get us closer to taking over the world, Christopher Robin? -- Iger: Yes, Pooh Bear. And my name is Bob.

Pooh: "Is this going to get us closer to taking over the world, Christopher Robin?" -- Iger: "Yes, Pooh Bear. And my name is Bob."

Naturally, the initial reaction for Marvel geeks is despair. Let’s turn it over to our Very Special Expert Guest, The Incredible Hulk. Hulk?

“Hulk no like Evil Corporate Entity buying Hulk parent company. Hulk much prefer Marvel creative teams needing to have separate clashes with various studios like Sony and Paramount so we can have movies of varying quality like Iron Man and Fantastic Four 2. Hulk want that SURPRISE element to stay intact. As for comic books, Hulk convinced Disney gives shit about dying comic book industry and will force Hulk to share page with namby-pamby Disney characters like Little Mermaid and Jack Sparr0w. Hulk HATE Pirates almost as much as Hulk HATES popular companies with wholesome public image that flies in the face of how EDGY Hulk has BECOME. RAWWWWWWR!”

Thank you, Hulk.

But to take a more level-headed approach to the whole thing, do we seriously think Disney, in trying to make MONEY off of this acquisition, is going to assume, given their recent track record on original material, that they know better than the people who had a hand in the buttloads of money received from the Spiderman and Iron Man franchises?

The Film School rejects made a list about why fanboys shouldn’t freak out. Here’s the important point to kids about to jizz in frustration on their Robert Downey Jr. dolls:

2. All previous deals are still in place. Paramount is still going to distribute up to five more Marvel Studios films, including Thor, The First Avenger: Captain America, Iron Man 2 and The Avengers. The also could still distribute an Ant-Man movie. As well, there are still existing deals in which other studios hold the cinematic rights to certain characters. Those are not changing. So Spider-Man is staying at Sony, X-Men is staying with Fox, and so on. Disney intends to bring those characters back in-house at some point, but there’s no indication that it will be happening anytime soon.

And in my opinion, anything that kills the Spiderman and X-Men franchises in their current incarnations is a good thing anyway. However, it is important that Paramount maintain hold of Iron Man and the Avengers properties, which, by contract, I’m pretty sure still has to happen.

Then you have the fanboys decrying that Disney will refuse to release anything truly edgy or with a hint of R rating. I’d be concerned about that too, if Disney didn’t own three other studios for the purposes of releasing “non-family friendly” fare” Miramax, Touchstone Pictures and Hollywood Pictures

Besides, think of all the great things you’ll get with a Disney-Marvel crossover:

– Marvel themed rides at Disney World.
– Ant-Man movie advertisements taking up half of your screen when you’re watching Lost.
– A Kingdom Hearts sequel where Sora, Donald and Goofy have to fight Magneto, Dr. Doom, and Kingpin as bosses.



So if you ask me, the only people who need to be pissed about this Disney-Marvel merger…is DC.

Oh, and any of us who don’t like the idea of media getting closer to single-owner operation.


Magnanimous Monday

I was surfing Razoo today and found The Atlas Service Corps.

They’re sort of like the Peace Corps, but instead of sending yuppie, white-guilty what-do-I-do-now? college grads to other countries, they send community leaders from across the world to volunteer at a service program in the U.S. This teaches the leaders skills to take back to their home countries and addresses some of the overlooked issues in this country.

Here’s the video, with all of its low-production-value, Coldplay tribute-band charm:

Also, hey, shout-out to my Colombian brethren.

More info on Atlas Service Corps.

On a final note, Colombian president Alvaro Uribe has swine flu.

Bad luck...or FARC biological weaponry?

Bad luck...or FARC biological weaponry?


Happy Mother’s Day!

May 10, 2009 2 comments

Remember to tell your mom thank you for bringing you into this world of corruption, violence, and moral depravity.

“Working” on my last final, so you’ll content yourselves with the best items I found on “What’s Hot on Google” today.

WTF...does the fact that I find this slightly racist make me a PC lamer? I also want to eat one. The package says "Obamitas: Bring happiness to your day."

WTF...does the fact that I find this slightly racist make me a PC lamer? I also want to eat one. The package says "Obamitas: Bring happiness to your day."

Funniest thing in a long time:

To finally put the Swine Flu hysteria to rest, here’s a picture of the only pig in Afghanistan that got quarantined. Hey, at least they didn’t decide to slaughter it.

Potbelly Pig
RIP Swine Flu hysteria.

Chapter 11: What does money mean anymore?

April 30, 2009 Leave a comment

Quick update.

Chrysler has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. NEEDED: An expert on “too-big-to-fail” bankruptcy to explain what this means for the billions of dollars we’ve poured into them and the money we’re still giving them to “get them through bankruptcy.”

Chrysler filed for bankruptcy protection Thursday and announced it will temporarily halt most of its vehicle production while it completes a deal with Italian carmaker Fiat designed to revive its tattered fortunes….

Chrysler LLC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in New York with the hopes of emerging in as little as 60 days under the new partnership with Fiat. The government, which has already poured $4 billion in loans into Chrysler, would provide up to $8 billion more to carry the company through bankruptcy, said senior administration officials speaking on condition of anonymity. The government will also help appoint a new board of directors….

..On Thursday, a group of funds identifying themselves as 20 of Chrysler’s “non-TARP lenders” released a statement saying they had been sidelined during negotiations between lenders and the government. The group, which said it holds $1 billion in Chrysler debt, complained that the four banks were “obviously conflicted” because they had accepted money from the government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program while they had not gotten TARP money…

This is bothersome. I thought we lent them the money so that they wouldn’t go bankrupt. I didn’t realize we were giving them money so that they could go bankrupt.

All our cars come with XM radio, heated seats, and ownership of the company.

All our cars come with XM radio, heated seats, and ownership of the company.

And, good news in Swine Flu land. Infection levels in Mexico are starting to level off. Also, the WHO is admitting that most cases of the Swine Flu aren’t as serious as “normal” flu.

Pooh and Piglet

Good news, ABC shows are coming to Hulu which means LOST will be on Hulu.

Bad news, Disney Channel shows are coming to Hulu which means THIS will be on Hulu.

You will OBEY.

You will OBEY.

And finally, how to dick someone over the classy way. Found on Reddit.

Jack's Note

For a fistful of rocks

April 29, 2009 Leave a comment

At the CT Office, “gearing up” for the debate tonight.

A note about my continuous Swine Flu coverage. I know it looks hypocritical after saying that Swine Flu doesn’t seem like a big deal. To be perfectly honest, I’m still not sure if it’s going to end up being anything other than a hyped scare. But the news does get more alarming by the day and this is something that people are thinking and talking about whether we like it or not…And in case I have to eat my own words and this become a serious pandemic, I’d like to keep myself and that One Guy who didn’t read this before stumbling upon this informed.

So, with that in mind, your Swine Flu update:

Nearly a week after the threat first emerged in Mexico, Spain reported the first case in Europe of swine flu in a person who had not been to Mexico, underscoring the threat of person-to-person transmission.

“It is clear that the virus is spreading and we don’t see evidence of it slowing down at this point,” Dr. Keiji Fukuda, WHO acting assistant director-general, told a news briefing…

…U.S. officials said that a 22-month-old boy had died in Texas — the first confirmed U.S. swine flu death — but they added that he was on a family visit from Mexico, where up to 159 flu fatalities have been recorded.

Dr. Richard Besser, acting head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the country now had 91 confirmed cases in 10 states from New York to California.

“We’re going to find more cases. We’re going to find more severe cases and I expect that we’ll continue to see additional deaths,” Besser said.


Multiple countries are now considering travel bans to Mexico and affected areas. Unfortunately, experts and computer models say that won’t work.

In a 2007 paper, Vespignani’s team modelled the spread of influenza pandemics of varying severities in 3100 urban centres in 220 countries. They also looked at the effectiveness of countermeasures including vaccination, administration of antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu, and travel restrictions.

A Draconian 10-fold reduction in airline travel would delay a pandemic by only a few weeks and have no effect on its overall health impact, Vespignani’s team concluded. Other measures – particularly widespread administration of antiviral drugs – proved far more effective at limiting the spread of hypothetical pandemics.

Hmm…I believe the models when they say that imposing air travel bans won’t slow the pandemic. But forgive me if I won’t be going to Mexico anytime soon. Or if I wash my hands very thoroughly after hanging out with someone who’s been to Mexico recently. At some point, you can’t help but act according to your own common sense, no matter how flawed science may say that it is.

I still have hopes that this will plateau sooner rather than later. I feel bad for the family of that toddler though. Still, if you want to see overreactions:

Egypt is killing 300,000 pigs out of fear of Swine Flu. Even though there are no cases of swine flu reported in Egypt.

Okay, you know me. I’m not a member of PETA. I like eating pigs. But I also can’t help but feel that this is somewhat inhumane, in addition to being really stupid. By this logic, they might as well slaughter every person coming into Egypt from the Americas…just to be safe.

Im not sure if this guy is taking the pig to the slaughter or bravely trying to save this pig.

I'm not sure if this guy is taking the pig to the slaughter or bravely trying to save it.

You know, Swine Flu is giving pigs a bad name. Maybe we should all get together and remind ourselves what we thought of pigs before this outbreak.

To your sheep, your fleece, your clan be true.

To your sheep, your fleece, your clan be true.


Military industrial complex watch. Confusing military situation in Pakistan.

Pakistan takes a cue from Egypt and ups the ante against Pigs.

Pakistan takes a cue from Egypt and ups the ante against Pigs.

In other news, more signs of the apocalypse…People are getting owned by Rocks.

1) Florida kid gets Nintendo DS box…box is full of rocks.

2) Guy thinks he’s buying Macbook Pro…gets $2165 paving stone instead.

The kid got a happy ending….after both Wal-Mart and Nintendo refused to help, the mother complained to higher ups until Wal-Mart gave her a refund and a $20 gift card. The paving stone guy…not much luck from either Best Buy or Apple.

Still more useful than a PC?...Eh, Apple fanboyism falls flat.

Still more useful than a PC?...Eh, Apple fanboyism falls flat.

That’s pretty despicable, guys.

More topics today. Last semester as part of a Videogame Colloquium, I watched King of Kong, the story of Steve Wiebe’s attempts to take the Donkey Kong high score from reigning champ (and general douchebag) Billy Mitchell. Well, Steve Wiebe is still at it, recently achieving a score of 1,139,800 for Donkey Kong Jr.

This guy has world records, a wife, and children. And he plays video games all day. Hows your life shaping up?

This guy has world records, a wife, and children. And he plays video games all day. How's your life shaping up?

Is Steve Wiebe becoming the Establishment?

No segue.

CT news reporter Gordon Block made a cool stop-motion video. I like the music myself.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

And as long as we’re on the topic of cute things that take our mind off global pandemics, major retailers boning us, and unrest in the Middle East.

Pandas and Puppies.


That was a lot of crap I just threw at you, but one more thing. Shameless plug:

Creigh Deeds, Terry McAuliffe, and Brian Moran, Democratic candidates for Virginia governor will be debating tonight, April 29, at the Lyric theater in Blacksburg. The Collegiate Times website will be broadcasting the debate live starting at 6:30 p.m.. So if you have any sort of vested interest in the outcome of the Democratic nomination for VA governor, I encourage you to check it out and listen to the candidates.

I will be filming at the location, but if I can embed the live video onto this blog at 6:30, I will, so stay posted.

Phil the Pill out.

The Specter of Political Gridlock

April 28, 2009 2 comments

It’s Tuesday, but it feels like I’m 35.

Ponder that one.

Here’s your Swine Flu update:

The number of confirmed swine flu cases in the United States has jumped to 64, federal officials said Tuesday, and states reported at least four more….

…The CDC said there were 17 new cases in New York City, four more in Texas and three additional cases in California. That brings the total numbers of cases confirmed by federal officials to 45 in New York City, 10 in California, six in Texas, two in Kansas and one in Ohio.

News buzz says that the World Health Organization has now risen us the Phase 4, the FIRST TIME EVAR that pandemic levels have risen so high. BUT keep in mind that the 6-phase system was only instituted in…2004. So, yes, this is the first time this four-year-old system has gotten to this point. But this is post-SARS and Bird Flu.

And to put it in perspective from this article:

Flu deaths are nothing new in the United States or elsewhere. The Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 36,000 people died of flu-related causes each year, on average, during the 1990s in the United States.

So…it’s good that the CDC and other responsible organizations be watchful and ready. Our government seems to have taken the right steps. But should the people panic? I don’t think so. I still think the media is blowing this out of proportion. Wash your hands. Live your life. Don’t panic and don’t make any voting or economic decisions based on Swine Flu. Just avoid traveling to the hot spots. And don’t listen to Fox News during this time.

Primarily, we should be thinking about the crisis in Mexico, which is being compounded by this disease. People there are scared shitless. What can we do to help them? Let’s think about that.

In other news, Arlen Specter.

Blah. I usually don’t like to talk about politicians, but this seems like a pretty rare ocurrence.

Frankly, the whole thing reminds me of how stupid our party system is. The fact that a guy has to declare himself a part of a new Band of Corrupt Assholes to accomplish anything in politics is upsetting. So you don’t agree with the Republicans, but your constituents might be a touch conservative? Be a freakin’ Independent…oh, but wait, our system doesn’t really like independents…does it?

Are you straying from the party line? No? Thats a good Specter...No sudden movements.

Are you straying from the party line? No? That's a good Specter...No sudden movements.

I don’t see how this helps the Democrats much in the long-term. Yes, they get closer to that fillibuster-proof majority, huzzah. Let’s keep trying to game the system and work the numbers so that we don’t have to have any real discussion, just govern on the whims of the party in power. That sounds like America.

In my view, the Republicans now get to claim the coveted persecuted minority status in government. They’ll portray Specter as a corrupt official out for his own interests and seeking political power at the expense of his ideals and those of his constituents. This clearly paints the Democrats as a looming majority bent on squashing discussion. If the Dems don’t play the PR right, they’re going to face a midterm election similar to Clinton in the 90’s…and then we get to get nothing done during a time when we need things done the most.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Reform or abolish the party system. It’s a joke and it’s a joke that’s ruining us. I don’t give a shit what party Specter belongs to. What is he doing for US?!

And finally, The Internet reminds us what life is really about.

80’s Anthems.

There will be a Gubernatorial Debate tomorrow at the Lyric in Blacksburg from 7 to 9 and I’ll be there covering it, which means: 1) reactions that night and 2) I’ll be missing the beginning of Lost :(. But if you’re in the area, you should come and listen to Creigh Deeds, Brian Moran, and Terry McAuliffe duke it out.

Bacon – The Killer and Savior

April 27, 2009 2 comments

I’m running out of battery and I, in theory, have buttloads of studying to do.

So just a couple of things.

Blah blah blah, Swineflu, Blah, blah, blah, 40 cases confirmed in the U.S., blah, blah, blah, the end of the world.

I think the CDC recommends you do this to beefen up your immune system.

And secondly, for fellow college students everywhere. Eat a BLT after getting sloshed.

Any amateur college biologist will suggest “heavy” or “greasy” food the morning after a long night out, as it “soaks up” the remaining alcohol in your system—or something like that, it’s hard to remember. Newcastle University researchers suggest that age-old remedy is rooted in how the protein provided by bacon and other meats is broken down into amino acids, which in turn replenish the nerotransmitters depleted by a long night of drinking.

Makes me want to get drunk just so I can stuff my face full of BLT...

Makes me want to get drunk just so I can stuff my face full of BLT...

The moral of the story is:

Pigs are the source of all joy and death.

Attack of the Swine Flu

April 26, 2009 2 comments

I’ve been slacking on the blog. But worry not, Phil the Pill community…at the end of the day, I realize that this is the only thing I could really see myself doing for the rest of my days, so…The Blog. Will Continue.

So last night I get back from a party and scroll through the news. In my highly reactive state of mind, I read about SWINEFLU and its scary infectious ability. It wasn’t a pleasant thing to read right before bed.

I got up and the media wasn’t really doing much to assuage my fears. Check out this latest update from the Associated Press.

Make no mistake: There is not a global pandemic — at least not yet. It’s not clear how many people truly have this particular strain, or why all countries but Mexico are seeing mild disease. Nor is it clear if the new virus spreads easily, one milestone that distinguishes a bad flu from a global crisis. But waiting to take protective steps until after a pandemic is declared would be too late.

“But wait, Phil, that seems like a reasonable and logical example of reporting.”

I agree. But that wasn’t the lead. This was:

The world’s governments raced to avoid both a pandemic and global hysteria Sunday as more possible swine flu cases surfaced from Canada to New Zealand and the United States declared a public health emergency. “It’s not a time to panic,” the White House said.

Mexico, the outbreak’s epicenter with up to 86 suspected deaths, canceled some church services and closed markets and restaurants. Few people ventured onto the streets, and some wore face masks.

As if seeing this in your nightmares isnt enough, remember that the Megazord cannot defeat Swine Flu.

As if seeing this in your nightmares isn't enough, remember that the Megazord cannot defeat Swine Flu.

So is Swine Flu something to be worried about? The front page of Yahoo! News makes me think so. But we have to remember that all of the deaths confirmed to be related to Swine Flu are still concentrated in Mexico. I found this Google Map tracking the potential “pandemic” on Reddit.

So while there have been several deaths and that’s sad, the cases outside of Mexico don’t appear to be as severe. It seems to me that this isn’t as inappropriate as the media’s response to Bird Flu which didn’t spread among humans. I mean, what is it? Are we journalists just inherently easily frightened? It’s not as simple as saying that “it sells more papers (or gets more clicks or whatever).” The media is genuinely interested in the mere potential of a pandemic (a worldwide infection). But I honestly don’t think it’s going to become a plague of death.

Perhaps famous last words.

Here’s a relatively level-headed and balanced article about Swine Flu from New Scientist.

Things from the internet today. First of all, reader poll – is this a real panda???

Panda on a PlaneAnd finally, on the subject of adorable things, I WANT THIS:

Vodpod videos no longer available.