
Posts Tagged ‘viral’

JK Wedding video proves RIAA are idiots

July 31, 2009 Leave a comment

Fridays are supposed to be lighthearted.

So I’ll link to two videos that may be old news, but give you a glimmer of faith into love, humanity, and people’s ability to make certian moments their own, even if they can’t dance.

You may have already seen Jill and Kevin’s wedding video. It’s always worth watching again:

But the “bigger” story here is why the RIAA hasn’t come down on this video and stripped it of its audio (which some of us have had happen to our videos). The answer is….

STEP 1: Make a viral video with a pop song as its soundtrack
STEP 2: ????
STEP 3: Music industry PROFITS!!!

And Google tells us what that Step 2 is.

At YouTube, we have sophisticated content management tools in place to help rights holders control their content on our site. The rights holders for “Forever” used these tools to claim and monetize the song, as well as to start running Click-to-Buy links over the video, giving viewers the opportunity to purchase the music track on Amazon and iTunes. As a result, the rights holders were able to capitalize on the massive wave of popularity generated by “JK Wedding Entrance Dance” — in the last week, searches for “Chris Brown Forever” on YouTube have skyrocketed, making it one of the most popular queries on the site:

So, what does all of this mean? Despite compelling data and studies around consumer purchasing habits, many still question the promotional and bottom-line business value sites like YouTube provide artists. But in the last week, over a year after its release, Chris Brown’s “Forever” has again rocketed up the charts, reaching as high as #4 on the iTunes singles chart and #3 on Amazon’s best selling MP3 list.

Hmm, music industry, perhaps letting people use your music to make things people find cool and then associate the song with is a good marketing strategy?

Anyway, for now, “Forever” is allowed to remain on the video, making Jill and Kevin the darlings of white people who know they can’t dance everywhere. But a wedding is one thing. It takes a truly Leet couple to turn their divorce into something awesome:

Yes, it’s only a parody.

That piece of old, tired news is all I have for you readers on Friday, but you’ll have to forgive me….I have a craving for grapefruit juice.

P.S. If anyone wants to make some sort of Chris Brown “Forever” parody video which doesn’t sidestep the fact that he’s an abusive prick, contact me.

The Bullshit of the Day

January 29, 2009 3 comments

Boys with unpopular names commit more crime! Oh, don’t worry, they’re not stupid enough to say the names do it…no, it’s just the socioeconomic factors that go along with the names that probably lead them to commit the crime…

OR here’s a thought…maybe boys with names like Michael and John are just less likely to get in trouble with the law because of their upper middle class to upper class status and thus the money and influence of their parents. Ya think?

Also, help brothers out everywhere.

Thus always to skanks.

I lost my shame long ago.