
Archive for April 8, 2009

Unlikely things: talks with Iran, kicking pirate booty, and hot chicks with lightsabers

April 8, 2009 1 comment

Short update today.

A couple of good things:

U.S. Department of State willing to start multi-national talks with Iran about its nuclear program. Inevitably, you’ll get some of the rabble-rousers claiming that this gives Iran too much legitimacy or such bullshit. The fact of the matter is that if our foreign policy revolves around politically crapping on Iran without directly confronting them through diplomatic means, then we’re going to find ourselves bombed. It’s time world diplomats acted like adults and tried to figure out an agreement.

U.S. crew takes back its ship from pirates. That’s just cool.

And finally, my eyes almost glanced over this when I only read “lightsaber,” but it turns out to be more interesting than that.

Personally, I was rooting for the brunette.

Alright, Death Cab concert time! See y’all tomorrow.